The Garden of God
A Poem by Michael H. Walker III
I walked all alone through the Garden of God,
Tasting every fruit and flower,
Waiting to see Him smile and nod,
Minute by minute, and hour by hour,
But the fields of green lay desolate
Beneath the skies of ashen gray,
So I found myself disconsolate,
Hour by hour, and day by day.
"Where are you going? Where have you gone?
What is it that you seek?"
A Voice inquired with the sound of a song,
Day by day, and week by week.
"I am searching for you, my Lord and my God,
In the valley of the shadow of death,
Yet I cannot find thy staff and thy rod,
Month by month, and breath by breath."
"I am within you, as I always was,"
Whispered the Voice in my ear,
"Of all that you saw, I was the cause,
Month by month, and year by year."
And so I walked through the transparent veil
From time to eternity,
And my spirit, my soul, my body set sail
Across an endless sea.
Michael Walker is a writer from California. Before that, he worked as a Scientist for the United States Navy and got his Master’s from the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology.